Finally feeling human again, breathing has returned to normal and only a lingering cold left. My appetite is definitely back and I felt like something comforting and warm – Chilli Con Carn it is to be!
I went to Tesco to do the gathering -I have spoken before about how I try to do something pub worthy on Friday nights as a strategy to sway us to stay in – drink less and save money. This week I decided on a chili con carne with the trimmings – corn chips and sour cream. When I make this during the week I leave out the later to make it a tad healthier. So the gathering consisted of an Uncle Bens Con Carne sauce (cheating I know but its Friday) Mince, Tesco Sour cream and Chives (I love this condiment seriously tasty) Doritos and Rollo Ice Creams for after. I also gathered some smoked salmon and lime to have the next morning for breakfast on fresh bread with the left over sour cream (my favorite of all breakfasts) and some sparkling water and a Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand (Part of the Tesco wine festival on at the moment)
The end result was spectacular as I hope you can tell, although there was no room for the ice-cream as we were simply far too full, but very content x
The Gathering
The Finished Result - Definitely Pub Worthy
I have been fighting a cold myself. I made the Jamaican Jerk Chicken Curry to try to kick this cold out of my system. I think it helped. : ) Feel better. ~ Ramona ~ Curry and Comfort : )