And thats not because it wasn’t amazing – because it was. It’s because I have a shocking cold, cough, sore throat and was feeling really faint. I really wanted to try this recipe from Cooking Healthy For Me, unfortunately that is going to need to wait until I am better as The Man was left to cooking and as such he wanted to do it his way. Fortunately I had gathered the mince on Sunday from our local butcher. Now I have talked about this before – but I always find it daunting going into the butcher as its always a surprise how much things are going to come to once put on the scales and therefore your now ownership – well I just about fell over myself when it came to $5.00 for 500g. Ah I think I will be going back to the less expensive butcher near work in the future. So as I lay on the couch the man went to work – to tell you the truth I didn’t pay much attention to how he made it this week (sorry) and the finished result looked amazing and steaming hot. He put steamed spinach under the bolognaise for some added iron – bless his cotton socks. The only problem was that my cold reeked havoc on my enjoyment and I only got half way through before having to excuse myself and go off to bed.
So after a few days off work I am finally feeling on the mend. Thank goodness as in one week today we are off to Australia !
£5.00 Mince - expensive, but did taste very fresh
So nice but just not well enough to enjoy
Oh, I'm SO sorry that you don't feel well. I hope you get better soon!