Thursday, 4 August 2011

Back to the Gym and update on weeks progress

I am not on target - I already know why, the search for the perfect roast (even without potatoes) and the ultimate Spaghetti bolognaise. Combined with my sheer refusal to give up my love of a nice glass of wine (or two) and my 1 day a week of carbs. I think we can all see the problem.

But the goal is still 55 kilos by the 23rd of September. So I have joined up at Virgin Active - Power Plate me. I have done this in the past and it worked a treat, so its full on work out time.
I also purchased some 2.5 kilo weights to walk with in the morning.
This week I have done Power Plates once
Walked for an hour with weights twice
Sauna for 20 minutes

Lunch has been scrambled eggs with either peppered Markel from M&S (lovely) or with some Tuna from Tesco (not so nice)
I have been mixing some chopped onion with the scrambled eggs and putting some coriander on top for flavour.Bit over scambled eggs for lunch so am planning on looking for some other ideas for next week.

Dinner Tuesday night was pork cutlets (I thought or was told they were lamb) with cottage cheese, cabbage and peas

Last night was amazing weather and after convincing the man that we work hard and deserve to sit in the sun – it was off to the beer garden. 4 glasses of wine in total but I did only have the Thai Chicken Stir fry – no rice. The man orded a big plate of tempura prawns and I did not have one !! I have decided that a minute on the lips is not worth the feeling of guilt afterwards and the disappointment when the scales don’t go down (this does not count for the wine)

Tonight for dinner I am planning a Crab Meat Omlette with onion and Mushrooms – will remember to post a photo this time

So all good you say and think and my clothes are feeling looser and I am feeling thinner. have not braved the scales for a few days.

However, tomorrow I am off to Manchester for a long weekend, and we are having lunch at ABode Manchester home to Michael Caines Restaurants - so planning tomorrow to be my no diet day (well 1 day a week’s not bad) let’s see how this goes as we will be eating out with friends and family for the remainder of the time. Please, please, please have willpower and be good and for god sake keep the drinking down - they are after all wasted callories and not Dukan friendly

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